hyunjae fest is a fest that aims to unite deobi writers who write hyunjae as their pairing/poly with other members!this fest includes every pairing and poly relationships that include hyunjae as one of them~!🧸

currently open round!

1) final wordcount must be at least 750
any lower than 750 will be requested to higher the word count.
2) please only claim one prompt at a time from the archive.
to give others a fair chance at getting the prompts they want as well! don't hoard them ^^
3) don't go suddenly MIA without the knowledge of a mod!
makes the mod's life more difficult when trying to reach out to you. this applies during the phases we need you to respond: check-ins, submission phase, etc.. if you're going to drop out, please alert a mod so there won't be complications!

mod 🐐; any pronouns; th/eng OK!twitter.com/hyunjaefest
[email protected]